
The Best Floor Beds With Rails For Your Toddler

The Best Floor Beds With Rails For Your Toddler

June 21, 2022

I’m Tiffany.
I'm a safe cosleeping educator and mom of two little boys.
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When it’s time to transition your toddler out of your bed and into their own, choose a floor bed frame with rails. You won’t have to worry about them rolling off or getting trapped in a gap against the wall. And you can spend that energy on what really matters: helping your toddler adjust to this momentous change.

You can find floor bed frames with safety rails among house-shaped frames, bunk beds, gated and low-profile frames.

The first step is to toddler-proof the entire bedroom, just in case. Then, the fun part — shopping!

I’ve collected my favorite models below and am excited to show you! Let’s dive in!


I absolutely love these gorgeous floor bed frames from a small Warsaw-based company. (They ship internationally!) Whether you choose the triangle frame, the simple house frame, or the chimney house frame, you’ll know you’re in good hands.

Not only are the designs fun, but the frames are made of the highest quality of solid pine plywood. And each model comes with a slatted base, which is important for keeping mold from growing underneath.

Here are three more options in this popular house theme. This gorgeously-detailed woodland bed frame ships internationally from Turkey. This simple frame and this taller model are fantastic, but you’ll need to buy your own bed slats.

Would you rather use a box spring underneath your toddler’s mattress, instead of bed slats? This is my favorite model for that, as the safety rails can be installed higher off the ground.

Bunk Beds

OMG! Look at these two gorgeous bunk beds from that same Warsaw-based company! One looks like a treehouse and the other one’s got a cute picket-fence vibe.

Bunk beds are a fantastic option for your toddler’s transition into solitary sleep — all you have to do is remove the ladder to keep them from climbing to the top bunk. They can sleep on the bottom for years, until they’re big enough to safely sleep on top.

I especially love this model because the railing is completely closed off! Until your toddler grows tall enough to climb over the rails, you won’t have to worry about them wandering the bedroom at 3 a.m.

Gated Frames

If you already know you’ve got a climber on your hands and you’re sure you want the railing to close them in, check out these gated options. Here’s another cute house frame.

These two simple frames also have latched gates. Maybe you’d prefer a taller frame to contain your young toddler for several months.

Or perhaps you’ve got an older toddler who will soon be climbing over the rails no matter how high they are. In that case, it’s probably safer to choose a frame with a low railing.


These types of simple, low-profile frames are very popular with cosleeping parents for a reason. They are the easiest for jumping in, lying down, and nursing your toddler back to sleep.

If your mattress is big enough, you might even decide to stay and bedshare with them until morning. The great thing about most of these bed frames is they come in whatever size you want!

Let’s look at a few. This one ships internationally from Latvia.

Take your pick! There are people all over the planet handcrafting these simple frames with high, medium, or low rails to meet your unique needs.

The options are unlimited! Wishing you a whole lot of fun as you search the web for the perfect toddler bed for your little family.

Disclaimer: If you make a purchase through an affiliate link, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

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